Here she is! The first of many pictures of Fleet to come. Faye Mata did an incredible job at voicing fleet, I can't wait for Rivals 2...

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do you think his name sounds like “slayed” on purpose

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I DID IT I finished a full render of Slade from Epic shork

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The novel device led her to curiosity. As soon as she stepped on the experimental device, her consciousness stopped and her body hardened like a statue. - FAN ART : Dungeons Of Aether - Fleet

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WOW! 😮 Dungeons of Aether the super cool new dungeon crawling game by and the best looking man in Washington will be out on February 28th!!!! What do you think of that Fleet plush?

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another crossover ship based on the voice actor. Fleet from Dungeons of Aether (Rivals Direct 3 version) and Metera in Granblue Fantasy: Versus are both archer but also voiced by the same actress Faye Mata

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Hi, today I drew Fleet from and in style.
What do you think about it? If you like this, please follow me :)

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I'm Brawl! I'm currently a pixel artist & animator at Aether Studios working on and

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since the pirate shark from Dungeons of Aether got a name Slade I ship him with Mako from Brawlhalla since they're perfectly matched

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I really hope the team makes it into DE
Heres a fanart of the main team in roa style!
also is fleet supposed to be small or everyone else is supposed to be tall? (love your designs <3)

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