Dust to Dusk got reviewed by ! Thank you so much! 🥰🥰🥰

As always, it's only $0.99 on Steam! If you crave doujin games with strong character development, please consider supporting it and leaving a review! https://t.co/b8YuaGa8Zz

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IT'S IN ENGLISH!!! Dust to Dusk has its first English build! I'm playing through it now to correct any typos I can, but I almost want to cry from happiness. It's all coming together, and !

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順調にローカライズ進んでます٩( ‘ω’ )و

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It's been a while since I made a tweet about this! I get sleepy after work and just want to play games...but I'm still working bit by bit! I'm focusing on lots of graphic text at the moment. It's fun trying to visualize everything through mockups. :D

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I was given the OK to post my loc progress, so I'll be doing that on occasion! Dust to Dusk shows what happens to an employee of the Tsukimiya Corporation, Jun Tsukimiya, while he's trapped inside a haunted office building. It's a horror RPGMaker title!

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This is the title screen for the doujin game I'm working on. There's a really pretty BGM that plays on this screen! The dev team also provided art assets, so Japanese text should be fully localized into English. I look forward to sharing EN screens one day!

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Enteka, daemon of Malice, by Dusttodusk

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