≠ Earthling

95 1035

[Hello Earthling] & [DS Inc.] 圖文本預購

擾Tag抱歉,RT感謝! <(_ _)>

79 381

飯鏡 - Hello Earthling 28 (END)


337 1965

飯鏡 - Hello Earthling 27

大宇宙的招魂儀式🏳️ (閉嘴

65 437

飯鏡 - Hello Earthling 26

回來填坑 _(:зゝ∠)_
剩下三章。 (其實剩下的劇情也很好猜吧;

74 271

g'night earthlings 💤 i'm here looking for kawanbabu to be friend with > ___ O not a minor and i'm fine with any ships! just to remind u that i'm 🏳️‍🌈 so HOMOPHOBIC/LGBTQPHOBIC DNI pls! fp for neuvi n navia wanters 🎟️

0 0

飯鏡 - Hello Earthling 25
-I was born to...


33 187

飯鏡 - Hello Earthling 24

夜歸~ 我也不知道為什麼插圖變成這種風格🌚

38 289

Eve Discovers Martian Cave Art that Reveals an Ancient Civilization and that explains why Earthlings are changing on Mars.📚👽🚀🪐

3 3

Yo FAM! 🚀

Snagged 6 on today & seeking some rad peeps to connect with. 🌐

I'm beaming 2 of 'em to you! Here's the drill: 🛸

1️⃣ Hit that follow button
2️⃣ Blast this with a retweet
3️⃣ Drop a GIF in the comments

Good luck, earthlings! 🌍👽

OpenSea:… https://t.co/4YwwdYvCoF

1 5

From my newest episode of Earthling Max I fin and posted yesterday 😁

1 2

"At the beginning of the expansion, humans were divided into all the earth-like planets for a couple hundred years. In our papers from the perspective of earthlings, that really looked like the perfect plan. But in reality, only a handful of planets made… https://t.co/0UyXUspUcE

0 0

🌈gm joy explorers. Did you know fruit flies were the first earthlings into space? Me neither, more animals then rode the cosmic waves before humans. Conclusion, with all the animal pics dominating NFTs. History shows we follow our animal friends. Buckle up, we are truly early☀️

1 26

Good morning, Earthlings!
This week will be more on the cozy side because I want to have some chill streams.

Anyone have anything exciting planned this week?

Art - BlueberryTruffle on FA

4 81

We persuaded yet to mint? You think it ain't coming?

It is coming. Like a flood. No stopping. The invasion has started. Almost 50% of earthlings are abducted. Soon you're majority if you didnt mint. Dont be left alone


8 15

Hey Earthlings!

Just so you know…I am always open to collabing! Tomorrow I will be reaching out to schedule collabs! If you’re interested please drop a dm or comment!

6 128

GM Earthlings! What do you think Runtz eat for breakfast? Most Creative response will win this 🚨
To Win:
1. Like and RT
2. Tag 3 Earthlings
3. Join the discord (link in bio)

Winner chosen in 24hrs

161 191

Little bastard’s stunt affected my aim today but still managed to get a bullseye! Gonna take more than that to get ME to miss, earthling!

0 1

good morning!!! i’m tired today earthlings… let’s do nothing!!!!!!

1 6