Close-up! (Deleted the original tweet by accident 🤡)

4 17

just started watching transformers fall of Cypertron trilogy and elita is legit now in my top 5 transformers Linsay kills it as her voice actor one badass lady autobot!

2 10

It's time! I'm a lil late but I swear I'm gonna post more than twice this year lmao

12 43

You know why it’s called “hot” pink, don’t you?

18 50

Tired Mom Elita-1 is perhaps the greatest thing to ever come out of War For Cybertron: Siege

112 455

Today’s the day. Transformers: War for Cybertron Seige is now on Hope you all enjoy it.

48 268

You guys literally had a temperature and started harassing a stranger because they used a hashtag. Our maturity isn’t the one being called into question.

3 9

Nothing’s gonna change our love for our queen.

59 210

This is the sexiest thing I think I’ve ever read in my whole goddamn life holy shit God bless stan Elita One

12 47

imagine thinking that publicly calling a well known professional artist a whore is a good idea because you want to claim ownership of a hashtag... yikes.

anyways, stan elita-1

28 170

LMAOOOOO get fucked, pissbabies. is here to stay. 💪💪💪

0 18

Happy Today we’re recognizing Gaia from Captain Planet as our mother of all. Literally. She is the spirit of Mother Earth & creator of Captain Planet. She possesses all the powers of nature. Based on the Mother Earth Goddess in Greek mythology.

1 8

Elita One (colorized, circa 4/20)

A week with digital software and this is where I'm at.

15 36

"Take a break, you did well today."❤️
I love to hear raining sound when I am drawing.

65 202

Our queen is back!!!🥰 I am sooooo excited to see her in the new story!
I am sick these days, so I can't finish this earlier.😭.

120 322

Happy I’m kicking off month with my favorite superhero I credit for my love of Carol Danvers. She’s a vet, super powerful, funny & a geek. Her cat’s name is Chewie. She is truly Earth’s Mightest Hero.

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