✨MARY✨. Thanks for the mention Mary & greetings from CA everyone!!!! 🙋‍♀️🌴🌴🌊🌊 Enjoy the weekend honoring amerikkka. 🙄🤪💙🎉😁


6 6

You lost me at "🇺🇦🇺🇸 🏳️‍🌈#BLM Oust the Fascist Republicans Vote Democrat down ballot on your profile!
Turn off your TV and try to think for yourself instead of regurgitating what the TV tells you to think!

0 2

Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin could muster the courage to work WITH Democrats instead of against us.

By ending the filibuster - they could prevent fascist republicans from ending American democracy.

158 296

Contact Senator Joe Manchin and tell him this DOES NOT WORK for American voters

🔸 304-342-5855 Charleston
🔸 304-264-4626 Eastern Panhandle
🔸 304-368-0567 Fairmont
🔸 202-224-3954 Washington, DC

194 207