//=time() ?>
Entaro is an energetic and passionate 13-year-old junior high school student❤️🐢
Kohei is a timid and whiny 10-year-old elementary school student🧡🐢
Kiyoshi is a serious, kind, and smart 16-year-old high school student💜🐢
Hyosuke is a difficult and angry 19 year old student💙🐢
@Fulgur_Ovid We enjoy and also have so much fun on your karaoke stream!! Thank you fu chan for the energetic singing 🥰💯
> Looks like Mukoda(?). He's a bit energetic and likes to play with his brother. Even though the way he invites him to play always makes his brother angry.
BAE and I had monja the other day!
She's so cute and energetic⚡️
The monja was delicious, let's eat it again!🧀
HBD Shiki-chan!!
I love your energetic and expansive voice!!
Need help! I'm searching for a dedicated VA for Naria! A VA that I can go to when I want to get some voiced stuff done with her (much planned in the near future~)
Looking for someone with a more high pitched voice, energetic and "genki"-like. And of course, does gagtalk~
this just reminded me how hinata was so energetic and full of adrenaline after their match with inarizaki that he ultimately ended up getting sick during the kamomedai match.....
I'm going to work offline as I don't feel too energetic today. Plus, it is the part where it is really boring to watch, haha. I'll stream tomorrow though for sure! 🥖✨
Commission of a new OC named Ritsu !! he's a friendly and energetic young mage, expect some hot scenes from him as well in the future !! 😗😗
#カウボーイビバップ #CowboyBebop
いいね、リポスト、有難うございます!お礼が追い付ておりません! すみません…
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV
I like energetic girls like her😊
My biggest lie is telling you I'm a super energetic genki tomboy forest ranger wolf girl
but in reality I walked up a flight of stairs two days ago and I'm still recovering
Quali named after the Quail
He has a twin and hes usually very outgoing and energetic and silly so :looks to the camera: ???