WARNING! 🚨 There is only 8 hours left of the Epic Encounters: Local Legends Kickstarter campaign. Back now before it's too late!

Link: https://t.co/CjJjmr3dj4

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Only 24 hours to go! ⌛
Fill yourself a flagon, pull up a seat by the fire, and follow the Kickstarter now! The adventure is nearly upon us...


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👀 First look at pledge levels! 👀

Sit down and pour yourself a drink, adventurer 🍻

It’s time to find out what’s included in the Local Legends Kickstarter! 👉 https://t.co/nlZKdaS9pa

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Want to make those ubiquitous giant spider fights more interesting and fun in your & games? Check out our review of the new boss box by , Web of the Spider Tyrant! https://t.co/RQ6TKcl7Xh

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Good morning everyone, let’s start today with a look at Epic Encounters, everything you need for your next tabletop RPG night in one box, including miniatures, tokens, adventure book & more

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Join and as they roll up some Goblin Player Characters: https://t.co/ZaMtsGuEig

What class would your Goblin character be?

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Sstrange sskullsss have been sspotted...

Sssign up for newss: https://t.co/ZyitXzaEN6

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Those Orcs who have offended the Orc King with their cowardice are made to fight to the death. As you enter the King's Hall, you see two gladiators duelling it to redeem themselves.

Be careful, you DON'T want to fall in! https://t.co/Es5s9ujN0N

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Grimfang Orc Special Ability: As a bonus action, the orc can move up to it's speed toward a hostile creature that is can see.

How will your character deal with these ferocious orcs?

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The Grimfang Orc Shaman — wreathed in thick robes, whose hand movements leave eldritch blue sparks scoring the air stands at the side of the Orc King.

Order yours today: https://t.co/Es5s9ujN0N

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The Slaughter Kin Orogs stand at attention, on either side of the Orc King, constantly alert and waiting for the slightest provocation to afford them the opportunity to crush a skull in their enormous fists.

Order here: https://t.co/Es5s9ujN0N

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The Orc King cannot die. He can be broken, bloodied, butchered...but his soul returns to his body and reinfuses it with the spark of life!

Order here: https://t.co/Es5s9ujN0N

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Frost giants are not born but chipped from the vast glaciers they live among. Once a year, the frost giants of a tribe make the ritual journey to the Mother Glacier and ‘birth’ their new brothers and sisters.

Order here: https://t.co/Es5s9ujN0N

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Orc cooks are the greediest of their kind, and they eat almost constantly. As a bonus action, the cook can scoff a leg of lamb or a haunch of venison in a single bite, restoring 1d6 hit points!


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The Grimfang orcs have forsaken their ancestral gods, and now worship The Face in the Ice. The orcs found The Face in the deep glaciers, it whispers changed them - they are something more than orcs now. Less savage, more deadly.


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The Grimfang Grog Masters brew their own drink, stored in plentiful barrels.

Orcish grog is extremely potent that is only really tolerable to orcish digestive systems. It is also extremely flammable... 🤔


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JUST REVEALED at Gen Con — turn your up to 11 with EPIC ENCOUNTERS!

With a 16 inch wingspan, this Red Dragon will make your players tremble...and there's more to come!

And don’t miss a single thing > https://t.co/Xw7dnDGkDQ

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