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The correct course of action when you get jumped by a Euro infantry section is to RUN
If you can lead them into a swarm of eurasian cyborgs, even better
I drew a Eurasian lynx from Kemono Friends!
https://t.co/ncwT5rhT2z #けものフレンズ #けもフレ
Here is Itsuki-san's design plan for Dr. Haru. Snow World is an artificial snowy forest built under Park Central, so she often wears warm clothes. As you may have guessed, she loves owls. Her favorite species is the Eurasian eagle-owl.
Red Fox
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Romanised Name: Akagitsune
Diet: Omnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 2–5 years
Distribution: the entire Northern Hemisphere, the Arctic Circle, North Africa, North America, Eurasia
Japanese Name: アカギツネ
Gray Wolf
Also known as: Grey Wolf
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Scientific Name: Canis lupus
Distribution: North America, Eurasia
Romanised Name: Tairiku Ōkami
Japanese Name: タイリクオオカミ
Diet: Carnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 7-8 Years
Since I love the series so much I decided to make myself an official zootopia fursona. She's a Eurasian otter, and I've decided on the name Savannah Marine!!
Roe Deer
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 7 years
Distribution: Eurasia
Scientific Name: Capreolus capreolus
Romanised Name: Norojika
Diet: Herbivore
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: ノロジカ
Day 22: Platybelodon grangeri
This Ambelodontid proboscidean was a strange relative of modern elephants from the Miocene of Africa and Eurasia, famous for their shovel-like lower jaws and extended lower incisors. #marchofthemammals2023 #paleoart #digitalillustration #elephant
"Cardinal Directions" (Harpy Eagle - Puffin - Eurasian Eagle Owl - Peregrine Falcon)
Newsing - Flying
Northrash - Flying/Fighting
Cresouth - Flying/Ice
Wiseast - Flying/Psychic
Westalon - Flying/Dark
ความรู้ใหม่วันนี้ การที่มหาทวีป Pangea แตกตัวออกมา แล้วทวีป Eurasia วางตัวเป็นแนวยาวออก-ตก แต่มี latitude ค่อนข้างคงตัว (เป็นแนวนอน ไม่แนวตั้ง) มีผลอย่างมากต่อวิวัฒนาการของมนุษย์
เพราะพืชที่สุดปลายทวีปสามารถนำไปปลูกอีกฝั่งทวีปได้ (สภาพอากาศไม่ต่างกันมาก) ทวีปอื่นไม่มีแบบนี้
Canada Lynx - Eurasian Lynx
Coolyn - Ice
Frosleet - Ice
Lynorth - Ice
Eurasian Eagle-Owl
The Eurasian Eagle-Owl is one of the biggest species of owl. They can be found throughout Europe and Asia, as well as Northern Africa. They can be found in open areas such as fields and taigas, but their preferred habitat are cliffs and rocky outcrops.
March 10, 1709, birthday of German zoologist and Siberia explorer Georg Wilhelm #Steller. The figure - from his travel account - shows the smoking Klyuchevskoy #volcano on the Kamchatka peninsula, the highest (4.649m) active volcano of #Eurasia 🌋
“Eurasian Eyes”
#AceAttorney #artistontwittter #narumitsu #Wrightworth #mitsunaru
There's a new animal infographic on the blog tonight. Eurasian Blue Tit - Fact Sheet https://t.co/C4iLX9sBwM
“Eurasian Eyes”
#AceAttorney #artistontwittter #narumitsu #Wrightworth #LGBTQ
Eurasian Lynx
Ranging across wide environments spanning Eurasia is the Eurasian Lynx, the largest among the lynx species. Extirpated from West Europe, the Eurasian Lynx now roams habits such as boreal and montante forests, as well as forest-steppes.