A little late, but I was challenged by a friend to do the cover challenge, featuring Amani. Added a no-text version for your enjoyment.

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I haven't been very active on here lately, but I've been working on my pet project, aiming to get the first chapter done by July of this year. I'll post snippets here and there for updates. Anyway, here's the cover.

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Just realized I never posted these. Character sheets for my three main characters, Javed, Amani, and Arrios.

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Another quick sketch, this time of Arrios' dad, Javed. Now you know where Arrios gets his good looks from!

...from his mom. He gets them from his mom.

Fun fact: Javed was a bare-knuckle fighter in his youth!

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Sketch-that-took-too-long of Arrios, being all adventurer-like. Trying to simplify takes a long time! how the hell do you guys do it!?

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Trying to get the script for Chapter 2 nailed down before I proceed. Stay tuned!

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Chapter 1, page 22. Chapter 1 is finally done, and it only took me a year!

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