We have GOT to get fe4 remake news RIGHT?????

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alright gen2 of the fe4 yt series is finally going up tomorrow, get hype if you're into that
(ive tried to draw seliph like a million times and this is the only time I've gotten him to look alright)

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Fire Emblem fans if FE4 Remake is announced vs if FE4 Remake isn't announced

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Ahhh unfortunately a lot of me FE4 art is old as hell but it’s still my second fav FE game 😭🩵 https://t.co/MdxYeA6V1I

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Ares and Lene (FE4) next to a swimming pool.
Illustration commissioned by .

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Ayy, the first episode of the FE4 series hit 1k views, thanks for the support everyone.

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Happy Father's Day!

If you noticed anything from the Mother's Day post last month, Seliph is so well loved 🥺

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Post 2 of your favorites and tag 4 people (if you want!)!

Mine are Nina from Six of Crows and Lewyn from FE4

Picking just 2 was tough!

+ anyone else who would like to join! https://t.co/IGqUT9nceq

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RIGHT Deirdre is so very shoujo to me esp in rika suzuki art and the fe4 manga just a ethereal forest maiden i love her so much
PLEASE KEEP HIRING HER she did one of my favorite fe7 ciphers that i had as my desktop wallpaper for the longest time

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Azel denied leave by Arvis to go to Dozel Castle.

Belhalla, 757 Grannvale Calender (Re-Colorized)


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