Day 29, "Despair";
Brothers & sisters...

prompts by big thank to them!!

33 107

Day 22, Trials;
"This isnt what 'trials carry' means-"
"What am i supposed to do with this? Bury you in it?"

prompts by , much grateful ✨✨✨

8 29

Day 17, "Vex"; it was one thing when they flooded his throne world.
But when Crow's involved it becomes a Scooby-Doo chase
(RIP twitter crop XD)

prompts by & this was another that prompts help immensely⭐️

9 35

Day 15, "Ambush"; Oryx promised no flying during training. He kept his word.

prompts by & im loving this so much!

17 97

Day 8, "Firefight"; some people take that to a literal level. On allies as much as enemies...

prompts by , w much gratitude 🥺

21 82

Day 5, "Cabal"; Crow is constantly surrounded by Very Big people...

prompts by & thank goodness for every prompt; i needed it here lol

13 45

"Guardian"; being one makes no difference before the King 😎

prompts by big thank for the help w ideas!!

31 178