Day 31, (free space) ;

All month long: detailed art
Last day: boppin meow meow chibis ~

prompts by , dang what a ride!! 👏✨

6 15

Day 29, "Despair";
Brothers & sisters...

prompts by big thank to them!!

33 107

Day 27, Taken;
"did your sisters ever try talking to you about your fashion sense (or at least about gifting it)?"
"Many times. They never changed my mind, & neither will you."

prompts by much grateful < 3

17 50

I’m a little behind but here’s my take on the prompt “Strand”.
I wanted to revisit an old sketch that was a take on The Hanged Man tarot, which I feel is fitting for Guardians as it means ultimate surrender, sacrifice, or being suspended in time.

8 28

Day 22, Trials;
"This isnt what 'trials carry' means-"
"What am i supposed to do with this? Bury you in it?"

prompts by , much grateful ✨✨✨

8 29

Day 17, "Vex"; it was one thing when they flooded his throne world.
But when Crow's involved it becomes a Scooby-Doo chase
(RIP twitter crop XD)

prompts by & this was another that prompts help immensely⭐️

9 35

Day 15, "Ambush"; Oryx promised no flying during training. He kept his word.

prompts by & im loving this so much!

17 97

aaaand Destinytober day 6: old enemies

10 58

Destinytober day 4: eliksni
eido :))) I like her :)))

77 306

Day 8, "Firefight"; some people take that to a literal level. On allies as much as enemies...

prompts by , w much gratitude 🥺

21 82

day 3.
One day I will get myself a scanner but for now, have some lousy desk lamp lighting 🦐

5 23

Destinytober Day 2:
New Allies.

Thankful for the only in-universe character who would be able to keep up with my lore-centred rants.

Eido, Scribe of House Light.

7 18

"Guardian"; being one makes no difference before the King 😎

prompts by big thank for the help w ideas!!

31 178