Wayne Barlowe, 1977. Front and rear illustrations for Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series published by Gregg Press and George Prior.

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Masters of the Universe
Pirates of Dark Water
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser
Strahd Von Zarovich

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This June reprints FAFHRD AND THE GRAY MOUSER from the legendary in omnibus format!


Featuring stories from and

Cover by

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This June reprints FAFHRD AND THE GRAY MOUSER from the legendary in omnibus format!


Featuring stories from and

Cover by

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Amb la de Fafhrd i el Ratador Gris (sí, la torno a posar, és el meu tweet; QUÈ PASSA!?) m'he engorilat i he decidit engrossir el portfoli fent-ne més, però jo ja en tinc algunes de fetes fins ara. Com aquestes:

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This cover was for the sixth book in a series by Fritz Leiber featuring the beloved characters Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser.

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Getting back in the habit of carrying around a wherever I go, like back in my middle school to early college years.

Current book is 'Swords Against Wizardry'. I'm mainly letting fate choose what I read next via

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Fritz Leiber, quien dio nombre al subgénero de Espada y brujería, asentó también muchos de sus elementos definitorios dando vida a Fafhrd y el Ratonero Gris. En nuestro N4 reseñamos la edición integral en 2 tomos de . Más contenido aquí:

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El 24 diciembre de 1910 nace
🖋️Fritz Leiber
Fundamental escritor de
Morirá en 1992 dejando, entre otros títulos, una saga de “Espada y brujería” mítica:
📚Fafhrd y el Ratonero Gris
Localizable (¡como no!) en

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Fafhrd and Mouser are heterosexual life partners of loose morals with a taste for wine, gambling, and adventure, and Mignola's moody art suits their tales perfectly. Also (since it's epic fantasy) the big guy finds plenty of excuses to walk around without a shirt.

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The Dragon, issue 27 sees the iconic title font used for the first time, and while some of the content is a bit of a slog, it redeems itself with stats for epic heroes Fafhrd, the Gray Mouser, and John Carter, a great bestiary, and a magic item from Gary.

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Fritz Leiber, quien dio nombre al subgénero de Espada y brujería, asentó también muchos de sus elementos definitorios dando vida a Fafhrd y el Ratonero Gris. En nuestro N4 reseñamos la edición integral en 2 tomos de . Más contenido aquí:

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Começou o financiamento coletivo do primeiro livro da Lankhmar de Fritz Leiber, um clássico da literatura fantástica, e eu fui convidado pra fazer a capa! Bora trazer Fafhrd e o Gato pro BR!

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Massive thanks to my viewers for recommending Fritz Leiber's incredible Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series!
It wasn't an inspiration for The Long Moonlight (I didn't hear about it until after) but it *definitely* helped keep me inspired while writing the story to come.

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Another one of those "Mignola sweet spot" comics(along w/ Gotham By Gaslight and Dracula) where his style was at it's peak was the comic version of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser that Mignola did with Howard Chaykin and Al Williamson. Dark Horse collected it, and it's worth a read!

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Some Clyde Caldwell for your Thursday morning. The streets of Lankhmar can be a dangerous place, even for the Grey Mouser & Fafhrd.

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I've also been reading Mountain of Daggers by Sword and sorcery tales of The Black Raven which I am loving. Has a Conan,
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser type vibe to it

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Counting down my of &

(7) FAFHRD & THE GREY MOUSER (Lankhmar series 1939)

The protagonist duo of Fritz Leiber's Lankhmar sword and sorcery series are an influential fantasy rogue archetype

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Fritz Leiber, quien dio nombre al subgénero de Espada y brujería, asentó también muchos de sus elementos definitorios dando vida a Fafhrd y el Ratonero Gris. En nuestro N4 reseñamos la reciente edición integral en 2 tomos de . Más contenido aquí:

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