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The #fantasy Breach Chronicles #series is all set to welcome Book II, Metamorphosis.
#fantasyreaders add this to your reading list especially if you love #romance, #adventure, #comingofage #stories and #goodvsevil . The series is #heartbreaking and full of #loveandlight.
A crown can be light but still too heavy to be worn.
#scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding #fantasyauthor
#fantasyreader #fantasywriters
#fantasyreaders #fantasynovelreader
#ilovefantasyart #scifi
#Yabooks #yafantasy
#fantasyart #fantasyworld
Has anyone know how the live action Attack on Titan compared to the anime? I only caught the first 5mins of it on a flight but it looked ok.
#scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding #fantasyauthor
The Witcher - art by Ömer Burak Önal
#scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding #fantasyauthor #fantasyreader
#fantasynovelwriter #ilovefantasyart
#Yabooks #yafantasy #fantasyart #fantasyworld
#hardsciencefiction #fantasydrawing
Attack on Titan - art by Cammyscreations
#scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding #fantasyauthor
#fantasyreaders #fantasynovelreader
#Yabooks #yafantasy #fantasyart #fantasyworld
#dystopianfuture #fantasydrawing
The Cloudcloak Thief
Art by Jake Murray
#scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding #fantasyauthor #fantasyreader #fantasywriters
#fantasyreaders #fantasynovelreader
#fantasynovelwriter #Yabooks #yafantasy
#fantasyart #fantasyworld #fantasydrawing
Here are all the stories I’ve published in Prime so far.
Are you ready for more?
#Werewolves #Vampires #ParanormalFantasy #FantasyRomance #ParanormalRomance #DarkFantasy #HighFantasy #FantasyAuthors #FantasyReaders #FantasyBooks #FantasyWriters #PRIMETLPoHS #PRIMEFBtA
I always loved Mr. Freeze. Tragic story!
#mrfreeze #batman #dccomics #scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding #fantasyauthor #fantasyreader #fantasywriters #fantasyreaders
#biopunk #ilovefantasyart
#Yabooks #yafantasy #fantasyart #fantasyworld
The Force Revealed
By KateMaxpaint
#theforceawakens #starwars #jedi #sithlord
#scifivisionaries #SFV #worldbuilding
#fantasyreaders #fantasynovelreader
#Yabooks #yafantasy
#fantasyart #fantasyworld
Get out of dodge!!!
Swamp Encounter - art by ALMEIDAHelder
#scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding #fantasyauthor
#fantasyreader #fantasywriters
#ilovefantasyart #fantasyfest
#Yabooks #yafantasy
#fantasyart #fantasyworld
The master of magnetism
Art by leinilyu
#xmen #magneto #masterofmagnetism
#scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding #fantasyauthor
#fantasyreader #fantasywriters
#ilovefantasyart #fantasyfest
#Yabooks #yafantasy
Ancient Egypt art
Artist Unknown
#scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding #fantasyauthor
#fantasyreader #fantasywriters
#Yabooks #yafantasy
Conan the Conquered, art by Patrick Jones
#scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding
#fantasyreader #fantasywriters #fantasywritersreunion
#ilovefantasyart #fantasyfest
#Yabooks #yafantasy
#fantasyart #fantasyworld
Goblin vs Giant - art by shenfeic
#scifivisionaries #SFV #KasSmith #worldbuilding
#fantasyreader #fantasywriters #fantasywritersreunion
#ilovefantasyart #fantasyfest
#Yabooks #yafantasy
#fantasyart #fantasyworld