Taking some time out of tweeting for a couple of days, but…

As I seem to be falling down a Fellini rabbit hole, can anyone in the know tell me what the best book on Fellini and his films is?

I have the John Baxter book but what would other books come highly recommended?

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“Si abbandonava al dolce far niente, al kief, come dicono i turchi, il girovagare senza meta in balìa del vento e del caso.”


🖌 Manara Omaggio a Fellini

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Dopo avere debuttato quindicenne nel 1947, con una breve carriera alle spalle, è diretta da Fellini ne La dolce vita (1960) e in 8½ (1963).

La consacrazione internazionale nel 1966 con Un uomo, una donna di Claude Lelouch.

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Il Casanova di Federico Fellini


情報元: https://t.co/ZXYaE8spWk (Amazonページ)

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I would love this big tome of Fellini’s drawings made from his dreams and diaries. It’s a little out of my price range (!). Can someone super rich buy it for me as a late Christmas present, or perhaps an early birthday gift? Cheers! :)

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Federico Fellini - The Book of Dreams

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If you see with innocent eyes, everything is divine.


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“Felliniano... Avevo sempre sognato, da grande, di fare l'aggettivo.”

I Di(Segni) di
Federico Fellini.

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Four posters for Fellini’s Casanova (1976).

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I’ve been on a bit of a later era Fellini trip these past few weeks (when he left realism for surrealism). Tonight I come to “Fellini’s Cassanova” (1976).
Take a look at the wonderful/varied poster art created for the film’s release. Each country applying their own unique spin.

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Just after seeing "The city of women", Federico Fellini's masterpiece, looking back at the latest things done, I thought I'd post this.

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Anita Ekberg (29 Sep 1931 - 11 Jan 2015), Swedish actress

"She became prominent in her iconic role as Sylvia in Fellini's 'La Dolce Vita,' 1960. The sets are strange & exotic, costumes elaborate, and many of the film’s scenes now rank among most famous in film history.

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The is "BLUES" by NINO ROTA.

This is from the film La Dolce Vita, by director Federico Fellini.

🫴Click to listen==>https://t.co/vnoD7EQBq6 https://t.co/rHMfwnP4xb

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Las mujeres de Fellini. Dibujos del director de Amarcord.

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Julian Ritter .... Condivido caro Paolo grazie! Posso dire felliniana?

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also forgot about fellini's own drawings. stumbled on while trying to find that comic i mentioned earlier

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La Dolce Vita (1961)
Directed by Federico Fellini

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Fellini was a fan of comics. He loved Moebius and worked with Manara. There were huge comic fans in his generation in Italy. Umberto Eco was one too.

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