To , one of the winners of the Metroidvanias contest I did.

Being one of those who identified all the characters.
He chose the FlipWitch witch imitating a Tejina-senpai pose.

Buy the game at

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More fan arts for and froim - I have no idea what their names are, but I called them Angela and Helen (respectively) when I was creating the flies lol

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Fairy booby madness! More fan art for and I'm just having waaay too much fun with these characters :D

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Busty Cow Girl chibi for and s new game, FlipWitch (on Steam) coming soon :)

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최근 캐릭터 디자인 한 것들 중에
굳이 번역하자면 “거꿀마녀” 시리즈와
“세신들” 시리즈가 제일 뿌듯합니다.
캐릭터 디자인에 좀 더 감이 온 것 같아요. 아니 괜찮지 않나요? 제가 보기엔 괜찮은데?

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우울함과 무기력에서 태어나 그림자를 다루는 다정한 마녀.
남에게 과자나 빵 따뜻한 요리를 대접하는 걸 즐긴다. 하지만 누군가 우울해하거나 무기력해 하는 모습을 극도로 싫어한다.#flipwitch

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