Cover to cover & have woven together a masterpiece that brings Mary’s dream to life! Linda’s approach to exploring Mary’s life & inspiration for her monster is balanced perfectly w/ Julia’s organically rich artwork! A treasured

6 29

🚋Trolley FULL of admiration for the joyous way celebrates journey & the people that inspired him. art beautifully brings Fred’s story to life w/ each brush stroke! INSTANT 143❤️#youaremyfriendbook

3 18

My crew may be a bit old for board books, but I’ll NEVER get bored of enjoying 1-of-a-kind work! A sweet way to celebrate the season w/ your wee lil’ ones as they learn their colors AND the joy of Lydia’s vibrant creativity!

6 43

... and the award for “Bestest Best Of Ever Bests Endpapers” goes to .... for his brilliant

LOOK👏AT👏THIS👏LABOR👏OF👏LOVE!! 😍#FlowersFamilyFavoread

5 53

The bOoOoRilliant balance of incredibly crafted art & clever-as-ever storytelling that brings to this hilariously haunted read makes it an instant & too! Simon’s expressions provided non-stop laughs - perfectly crafted Sir Cale!!

5 31

A new Halloween fav from These 4 pics only hint at the boooorilliance that fills every charming page!

17 109

The unforgettably fun from is a perfect read for back to school week w/ the kids!

2 57

An inspiring goldmine of beauty in both stirring words & striking art! TRULY treasured

4 26

Here comes the FUN of wondrous word weaving & stunning scenes by the marvelous ! 2 fav creatives in 1

5 35

This book IS the BEST ! It's got a narwhal skeleton & tentacularly cool octopus! Ocean of laughs = repeat

6 34

Glad I won this at illustrator intensive cuz it led me to 2 new creatives & & a

9 16

Head over hooves in love w/ this sweet from the powerhouse pair & ! XO to every clever page!

4 32

This fun loving racer knows dreaming & reading is super fuel! lively colors & compisitions are too!

3 18

Fall unfolds in stunning detail, color & compositions w/ the unique creativity of !#FlowersFamilyFavoread

4 23

Keynote by - highlight of His clever debut book - highlight of bedtime.

0 19

Stunningly illustrated story celebrating the wisdom of a beautifully moving film

4 23

Five Flippers for fun fact filled featuring friends from ! Say that 5 times fast!

1 15

Hilariously clever backstory about my favo-septo/spirit animal Hank! from

4 22

Can't wait for bedtime books KNOWING the brilliance bring w/ this

0 10

NEW inspired smiles & dreams of our own fairy garden this summer!

5 36