Hello friends! Have a great Friday 🔥

Have you seen my new art?

"Illusions" on Fondation
0.1 ETH reserve

0 0

"Symbol of love"
0.15 ETH on Fondation Reserve

0 0

Hello friends!
My new piece "Illusions"
0.1 ETH (Reserve)
1 /1 digital art on Fondation

Everyone has a condition where there is no strength, no motivation to move towards your goals, when your illusions crumble.


Collection "Universe inside me"

0 1


"Listen to your heart"
0.08 ETH on Fondation Reserve
1 /1 digital art

0 0

Hello Gary!
My art "Illusions"
Everyone has a condition when there is no strength, no motivation to move toward their goals, when illusions crumble. This is normal, but it is important to move on.

0.10 ETH on Fondation

0 1

Hello friend!

"Wings" on Fondation

We all have wings, even if we can't see them. There are things that energize us, help us move forward, dream and create! Meditations help me. What helps you "fly"?

0 2

Whatever happens to you, no matter how difficult, listen to yourself🙏

"Listen to your heart"
0.08 ETH on Fondation Reserve

I hope this art finds its home soon, maybe this will be a person who is looking for his way now🔥

1 17

"Listen to your heart"
0.08 ETH on Fondation (reserve)

0 0


Everyone has a condition where there is no strength, no motivation to move towards your goals, when your illusions crumble.

0.1 ETH on Fondation (reserve)
1 /1 digital art


Description below ⬇️

51 123

Good morning fam🌸

Miss Universe
Today the universe is playfully winking at you, and tomorrow it can send you tests. But despite this, she loves you and is always on your side.
Buy now 0.85 Eth

Available on Fondation

9 35


"Universe inside me"
0.08 - 0.2 ETH (Reserve)
1/1 art on Fondation

1 1

This design for a monumental wall light was drawn by the architect and decorator Gilles-Marie Oppenord. It may have been intended for the “Salon d’Angle” in the Palais Royal.
Come and discover this drawing and many others at the Fondation Custodia!

1 16

The witch of healing
She heals the wounds of soldiers after battles, heals from various diseases and resurrects the dead. People from all over the world come to her for help.
Reserve 0.1 Eth, Fondation

0 2

Kato, thank you for the congratulations❤️

The witch of healing
She heals the wounds of soldiers after battles, heals from various diseases and resurrects the dead. People from all over the world come to her for help.
Reserve 0.1 Eth, Fondation

0 1


The witch of healing
Reserve 0.1 Eth, Fondation

1 3

Hi Marco👋🏻

1/1 Miss Universe
Today the universe is playfully winking at you, and tomorrow it can send you tests. But despite this, she loves you and is always on your side.
Buy now 0.85 Eth, Fondation

0 0

"SPACE CLEANER" project (2/2)

Une partie des bénéfices sera utilisée pour améliorer l'équipement de récupération des débris spatiaux et aider à améliorer la vie sur Terre à travers une fondation caritative internationale.

0 4

Arts from "Universe inside me" collection
0.08 - 0.2 ETH reserve on Fondation

0 1