Hey ☕️

If there is one thing you are underestimating, I think you should take a look at this.

THE REBORN happens slowly, quietly!

Meet my team of fighting to make web3 a better place. 🫡

Are you in?👀

21 30


Shoutout for the heads up on this one.

Only 2 / 36 listed & the floor is now over 6 🎁

If you know me, I love hoodies so this was a no brainer.

25 151

mY oDd fReN is sO aLiVe aFtEr sEnDinG oDd pEts to fLaPjAcK's fArm

2 10

🚨 tO cELebraTe oUr oDd fRenS cOminG to Live, wE’ll be rUnniNg a 48 hOur gIvEawAy for tHis fReN 🚨

All yOu haVe to dO is thE folloWing:

• Like
• Retweet
• Follow
• Tag 3 frens

129 181

aS sOme if yOu mAy gUessEd yOu wiLL bE aBle to uPdate & aNimatE yoUr beloVeD fRens (head accessory & eyes)..inStrUctiOns on hOw to cOme…

38 96

iN thE pEts eYes thIs was a tErriFyiNg cOncEpT aNd wEre fAced wiTh aN unkNown fUturE.

70 222

wAnt tO fEeL aLivE? iTs yOur cHoiCe

95 315

mY fREN iS riGhT, yA kNow! 🤗🤪🫠 gO cHeCK ouT ! yoU’LL enJoY iT! 🔥


3 8

tO pAss tHe tiMe or WheN hAviNg to mAke tOugh DeciSioNs oDd fRens woUld DraW sPagEtTi oUt of a tiN tO heLp thIngs aLonG. and wAnted tO knOw if aNd Wen tHey shouLd sEnd tHeir pEts Away!

50 188

This has to be my favorite
Just aesthetically pleasing as hell.

15 103

LETS FUCKING GO! we are moving! Can’t wait for next week! 👀👀👀🔥🔥🔥

6 21

eVeN tHe mOst suPportiVe of oDd fRenS gReW tIred oF wAiting fOr fLapjAck to oPen uP hiS fArm, bUt thEy hUng on tiGht aS tHats wHat mAkes TheM trULy oDd

73 270

Dum de de dum da dum dum dum. Yeah not much of a drum roll on Twitter 😂 but MUCH OF AN AWESOME PIECE OF 🎨
A request from discord

They stated "love cooking"
Personalized NFTs by Request only. WoW oDd

5 7

Amazing what A.I. can come up with! ❤️❤️❤️
Here is another requested your A.I. brother.
likes paddle board and tabletop gaming. I see it.
We shrunk or blew a part the pet hehehe. I will mint and airdrop it in a wek or so

3 5