Omen Jae, Killjoy Jae and Killjoy Jae versions.
Thank you to everyone who dropped by my streams and watched me struggle and finish these! I enjoyed the chat, too! <3

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Okay okay last one. I just wanted to say Happy birthday and thank you for being born . you are a true blessing for your family and members and for us! Keep being yourself and center everything with the Lord! ✨
I made this for you ✨

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Last, this is your birthday cake made by love by lilsunflows, nothing but the best for you and day6

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real talk tho jae is definitely the main catalyst on why i got back into drawing after going into a slump in 2017-2018. this is the comparison of my first day6 drawing (2018) to my current jae art 🥺

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How to get noticed by you? 😵 say hi mon😬

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Jae thank u so much for all efforts u put on replying to out tweets😭 i just want to let u know that i am and all my days are the luckiest fans ever for knowing and stanning people like you and all day6 members. We’re so grateful for becoming my days 😭😭

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from dowoon and me, to you💕💕💕👁👄👁

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desperation has summoned: jejehands

i shall also bring out offerings of cats and wonpil 🐱🐰🐱

HI JAE ): <3

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Hi, virgo boy. Happy birthday!! Please know you are loved by many. Eat and rest well. Stay safe💕💕

This lovely art made by 💙💜

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