Been needing a sticker of Aaes with a big ol' F. One of those is always needed. we go. Fs in chat, bois.

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Felt inspired to draw Aaes in a cute chibi style since it's been a hot minute since I've drawn ANYTHING chibi. And then the Animal Crossing style has been on my mind a lot, so why not use that?

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New desktop wallpaper. I've been thoroughly enjoying making galaxy themed animals and orcas are my favorite RL animal so....I had to. Original size is 4K and available exclusively via my

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New design for all you Xbox gamers out there! You can purchase this design on a number of items from my!

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Had this idea pop into my head just because giggles. Ryzen is powered by....well....Ryzen. lol The idea of switching to Intel just scares her bitless so....just no. :U

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Ryzen as a like....her normal form I guess. x3 Slowly getting a design nailed down, one piece of art at a time. :D

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Apatheia having a little rest after climbing to the top of Persephone's tree. She's an athletic sort of nymph who prefers to keep her mind busy with outdoorsy stuff when she's bored or stressed.

Lore Olympus ©

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Got inspired for this one from some other stickers on Telegram with similar notions. x3 Decided I needed to give Aurora something of the same.

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Slowly getting through all my ideas for stickers of Aurora. This time, it was the long awaited revamp of the sunflower sticker. I like how this one came out a lot better.

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So Aurora needed a shocked look for the sticker pack. Now she has one. And the suit is canon. It was ORIGINALLY for jokes and giggles, but.....I liked it too much to not draw it more. ._.

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Decided Aurora needed a grumpy face and....well.....Hades from Lore Olympus has some pretty damn good ones. Soooooooooo....voila.

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Had to finish the meme. Just kinda redid the face and left the body unchanged. Hah. Work smarter, not harder! :D

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Shortly after I finished the Henlo sticker, I got inspired to do a meme with good old Aurora. Behold! Pop cat meme!

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Decided I needed to update Aurora's stickers a little and thought I'd start with the basic hello! Decided to not do shading on these this time around, but who knows. I may go in and shade them later.

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Got the urge to draw Hatake again and, naturally, she's passed out on the couch. No glasses this time around as she's passed out watching TV or something. I like to think they're hiding under her wing somewhere.

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Just something silly I decided to do. Because I'm a nerd and REALLY like Lore Olympus, I decided to draw Aurora as Perse and, much to his chagrin, the sneaky snep started turning Tuk blue. x3 It's ok. He likes the attention.

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Commission for Druss on Discord! This was a quick turn around commission. This was definitely a challenge as I don't normally draw buff characters, but it was kind of fun to be challenged like this.

Syrup ©Druss

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