His name is Galileo, Im not sure how Aristotle would react to a slenderman version of himself but here we go. its kinda rushed but,,,,

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you guys liked them so much, so here's an older doodle of them when I was creating this AU with !
You know peach by now (the red/black one), the one on top is Galileo, The big guy is Little Lee and the brown and yellow is Catharina!

14 169

Galileo, Marie y Tesla fueron aquellos rechazados por la sociedad que trataron de frenarlos a toda costa, pero ellos aún así dejaron una gran huella con sus descubrimientos e inventos, tres locos/rebeldes mostrados ante la sociedad que trajeron una ayuda para la humanidad

11 55

I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango!
Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening me
Galileo, Galileo
Galileo, Galileo
Galileo, Figaro - magnificoo

6 24

and I have been developing a little Box baby Au, heres some art from that little doodle session, from left to right, the turtle names are; lil'Leo, Catherina, Galileo, and Peaches. (love em)

5 28

i re-read Jonathan Hickman's SHIELD recently which is a fun story about how the organization has its roots in an ancient secret society that has included members such as Galileo, Newton, the fathers of Reed Richards and Tony Stark, and a time traveling Da Vinci

4 16


Acquistalo ora: https://t.co/mZN4OqoyeJ

Nel suo nuovo libro, il misterioso cantastorie di Twitter sale su un'immaginaria macchina del tempo per dialogare con personaggi storici come Cesare, Cleopatra, Cervantes, Galileo, Napoleone.

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Tom Barber’s cover to Galileo, December 1976

59 567

I designed a warforged for an upcoming oneshot wirh my friends and I got a little bit carried away, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless.

This is Galileo, and he's a big boie.

6 11

Ya a la venta esta semana… el mensajero de las estrellas - 3ª edición revisada y mejorada. ¡Que no se te escape!

8 16

【お知らせ】12/10発売のTCG「Forece of Will」“GAME OF GODS”にて[Galileo,Polymath]を描きました。海外版のみになりますがよろしくお願いします。


8 21

No cometas el error de no apoyar la campaña para publicar el cómic Galileo, el mensajero de las estrellas 3ª edición y te tengas que arrepentir luego...

8 9

Haz tu aportación en la campaña para publicar el cómic Galileo, el mensajero de las estrellas ¡y evítate problemas con la inquisición!

8 9

KO por éxtasis barroco (científico, en este caso).

¡Newton, Galileo, Leibniz y Pascal os desean un feliz día del

27 147

La 3ª edición de "Galileo, el mensajero de las estrellas" trae nuevos extras con los personajes más relevantes del mundo de Galileo Galilei.

15 25

[OC] Meet galileo, hes a portugese man o war, i decided to create him for as a tired and strict music teacher

35 83

A new era for is dawning🚀
Today, the has approved the new regulation, paving the way to & the new European Space Programme, encompassing , Space Situational Awareness

22 64

- Shizuku: "Como decía Galileo, el movimiento siempre se acelera cuando se va a detener."

3 16

Thunderbolt and lightning
Very very frightening me!

Galileo, Galileo,
Galileo, Galileo,
Galileo figaro-Magnifico

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