Fitting for the second-to-last Cardtype post, we finished a new artifact “Hot boiling Orb''.
How do you like it 🙂?

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Get creative this Easter with Puzzle Box Maker! 🐰🎨 Create your own amazing pixel art and share it with the world.

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NEW CARD REVEAL 🙌and can you believe it, it’s again a complete new card Type, Enchantments.

You can attach it to any creature on the playingfield, to boost their stats or give them new abilities!

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Completing all Avatars and Arts for the starter decks. Thwart your opponents plans before they can even cast with Deceptive Winds 💨


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Today's cardhilight is our first spell. It's pretty basic and the first spell an air novice has to master to become mage.

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Today I tried for the first time to create a pixel art in a larger size 😄
Here's my artwork.
Feedback is appreciated! 😊

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I have created a very affordable avatar creator with hundred of items and thousands of combinations, premium graphics, high resolution.

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Punk female avatar with cool hair dress, Metallica top, leather skirt and long boots. Tryout our crazy hair variations or create your won!

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I haven’t painted anything for a long time. this is an old drawing from about 15 or 16 years old.

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Wir stellen vor Karte 79 – Serie 1: Chienbäse 🔥
Da wird es einem ganz warm ums Herz. Lad Dir das Spiel gratis herunter

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Wir stellen vor Karte 78 – Serie 1: Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
"Nicht den Tod sollte man fürchten, sondern dass man nie beginnen wird, zu leben." Marcus Aurelius

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