Almost one year later I’ve just upgraded my moustache minted forg but… THIS IS FINE

4 25

Kissy kissy (in miss piggy voice) .. this aint shy.. and get your frog on and take that leap into the pond .. Happy Friday everyone

4 33

🐸 just added another forg to the pond and had to upgrade it with a kiss.. Eyes closed when it kisses otherwise it would be just creepy 😬😂.. and is that mistletoe on its head.. 🤔 😚

5 29

I just did the damn thing ... 🤔🐸 ...LFG!! just having fun in the process

12 57

little late night pond sweep. these forgs are gonna be busy ribbiting soon!

13 32

Jumped in the Pond to test the waters, low and behold i was shown maad love so i ended up copping another and in the pond i shall stay.

15 59


12 40

Newest member of the family. Been following from afar and they continue to build through the bear!

27 69

win a forg -> stake the forg -> get the $RIBBIT !! It's that easy. 🫡🐸✨

8 23

LFG. I always wanted a cow forg and now that I have enough eth........ COW FORG.

16 50

Forg couples goals welcome to the pond. Business forg gang

3 14

Saw this pink cutie and I really must cop.

10 37

allrighty let’s see how strong you really are these days!!🐸If this tweet receives 200 likes and 200 retweets, I will change my pfp to a This is the Cleanest OG, LG!🔥

191 284

I will not stop repeating - is the best community ever!
I just won this handsome FORG in a beautiful contest from

Thanks again to you and all the people who make our community better

Love you FORGS!!!!!!!!

28 66

before you know it, forgs will be selling like hot cakes for 0.25E
before it's too late!!!
Rarity based staking on 4/28 will be HUGE for holders

12 55

This is amazing to see our lovely on trending collections. Thank you for the team and strong community (ofc i mean FORG). For now this is my forever friend but i will find friend to him 🐸 LFG

11 41