Good afternoon! Apparently I had forgotten I own a twitter account. Here's the latest work of my little Belle M'ldinze of Gilgamesh. Enjoy!

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We already have the official answer. Artoria stomps Gilgamesh.

And this wasn't even full power Artoria, this was NERFED Artoria with Avalon.

Now Imagine Full Power Artoria (with a proper Master) with Avalon. 🔥🔥🔥

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Joining 's as Gilgamesh.

Waving to everybody as he wishes for the Happy New Year 2023.

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Hilda (Upgraded with new prompts)

Originally Hilda was an Egyptian Goddess Of Uruk, Gilgamesh. 😊

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So I finished it—. And god…my style has come such a long way. 🥲

We got Rin and Proto Gilgamesh. A request I received from a friend. And honestly it was a blast to draw!

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Also don't even get me started on Axel's Mama, Ginka.

David has been a prime staple to my team compositions, next to Mandricardo being MY FRIEND, and Caster Gilgamesh...woof.

Anyways I love Tempus.

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In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh grows his hair out while mourning Enkidu’s death, so I decided to depict that with Fate Gilgamesh.

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These fire pokemons looks like FGO lancelot and gilgamesh.

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Me after I saw a Naked merch of Gilgamesh.

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I forgot that Melt had a crush on Gilgamesh...imagine my flabbergasted face when I was reminded through her lines 😔💀 No more grails for my girl

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An art a day, day 4

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está en pleno de esta fantástica obra.
Una adaptación fantástica de la Epopeya de Gilgamesh. Futurista,clásica, aventura,acción....

No os perdáis esta oportunidad de poder ampliar vuestra colección con esta maravilla

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I'll just gonna post this on my art account once it's done, cause man I drew lewd shit once again, Sorry Gilgamesh.

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A ver si sabemos jugar a esto. Para prepararnos para el inicio de la campaña queremos contaros más cosas sobre Gilgamesh. Un like = un dato interesante ✨

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I am nosuku-k, Nosuku KUSUNOKI. 🇯🇵
I like the Aztec Empire and the Epic of Gilgamesh.

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"Over the Demonic Front"
Fujimaru Ritsuka!~
I've been wanting to do a proper drawing of this boy for a while! Perhaps I'll draw some of the other characters from FGO one day... Like Gilgamesh. xD

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Was your friend per chance GILGAMESH. That's alot of hands for headpatting.

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