October 15th and the word for is

“But no matter how much alcohol they poured or how tall the flames rose, nothing could erase the rivers of blood she’d damned her memory to drown in.”

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She stood alone on the precipice, ignoring the necromancer. Her lover left her to die of a broken heart, now they wanted to know why she taken her life. She wanted peace. Her foot left the ledge as she whispered, "All is forgiven."

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October 7th and the word for is

"Steele your gaze. You need no memento mori to see death in everything."

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October 6th and the word for is

"Confused guests look up at me... They see the scarlet motley, the fool’s cap, but I can’t help but notice: they look like they’re watching a ghost."

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October 2nd and the word for is

"Will we be able to... dance?" Madame Madison asked.
“Why, yes. Yes. Yes of course,” the ghost courter stammered.

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It is and the word for is

Here in The Black Carnival the festivities are not always there to make you laugh🤡Take a few thoughtful steps to explore over at:


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