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'Turambar and Glaurung' – John Howe
‘Hail, Worm of Morgoth! Well met again! Die now and the darkness have thee! Thus is Túrin son of Húrin avenged.’
'The Silmarillion' by J R R Tolkien
that chapter of The Silmarillion when Morgoth chains Húrin to Thangorodrim and forces him to read his posts on Reddit
Finished Children of Húrin
Being able to hear Christopher Lee’s voice one more time as he told the tragic tale of Húrin’s children brings tears to my eyes
Please read this book!
Characters of Narn i Chîn Húrin;
Gwindor, Mablung, Túrin, Beleg, and Niënor.
Meeting after years of wandering
Morwen and Húrin
#The_Silmarillion #silmarillion
Here’s the (gorgeous) cover of the book 👇 My chapter was titled: “‘Wildman of the Woods’: Inscribing Tragedy on the Landscape of Middle-earth in The Children of Húrin” #Tolkien
@TolkienSociety @UofGFantasy
A l a n L e e ’ s i l l u s t r a t i o n s
o f T h e C h i l d r e n o f H ú r i n
a n d T h e F a l l o f G o n d o l i n
▪️ Adriana Taboada González @uvigo
https://t.co/BlRDdQHFZA #Tolkien #Húrin #Gondolin #AlanLee #illuminations #visuality
Children of Húrin is an epic fantasy novel by J. R. R. Tolkien. The book contains beautiful illustrations by Alan Lee. The story is one of three "great tales" set in the First Age of Tolkien's Middle-earth.
One of my dearest books.
Tolkientober Day Six -royalty
Here’s Boromir! We’re including the House of Húrin pre-Ithilien, yeah? Yeah.
#Tolkientober #lotr #Boromir #myart #illustration
A far more developed version of this argument can be found in my chapter “‘Wildman of the Woods’: Inscribing tragedy on the landscape of Middle-earth in The childrenof Húrin” in this book, edited by Helen Conrad-O'Briain and @Gerard_K_Hynes
#FolkloreThursday @TolkienSociety
“His hair and beard were white and long, but Húrin walked unbowed, bearing a great black staff; and he was girt with a sword. Thus he passed into Hithlum…”
Credit to the artist
“Then Morwen was distraught, and refusing the counsel of Melian she rode forth alone into the wild to seek her son, or some true tidings of him.”
Artwork by Alan Lee
#illustration #childrenofhúrin #thesilmarillion #jrrtolkien #middleearth #alanlee
“But Túrin came to his aid, and all fled before him; and he bore Gwindor out of the rout, and escaping into a wood there laid him on the grass.”
Credit to the artist
#childrenofhúrin #thesilmarillion #unfinishedtales #jrrtolkien #middleearth #túrinturambar
“There he made a song for Beleg, and he named it Laer Cú Beleg, the Song of the Great Bow, singing it aloud heedless of peril. And Gwindor gave the sword Anglachel into his hands.”
Artwork by MaraEmerald
#childrenofhúrin #thesilmarillion #túrinturambar #jrrtolkien #middleearth
“There Gwindor spoke to Túrin: ‘Awake, Túrin son of Húrin Thalion! On Ivrin’s Lake is endless laughter. She is fed from crystal fountains unfailing, and guarded from defilement by Ulmo, Lord of Waters, who wrought her beauty in ancient days.’”
Artwork MaraEmerald
“But Beleg stumbling up seized back the sword and thrust it at the Dwarf, and Mîm in terror fled wailing from the hill-top. And Beleg cried after him: ‘The vengeance of the House of Hador will find you yet!’”
Artwork by Murrauddin
#thesilmarillion #childrenofhúrin #tolkien
“And it chanced at a time of evening that Túrin and his outlaws came upon three Dwarves, who fled before them; but one that lagged behind was seized and thrown down.”
Artwork by Anke Eißmann
#thesilmarillion #childrenofhúrin #señordelosanillos #tierramedia #túrin #turambar
“On the next day Beleg set out, and Túrin went with him a bowshot from the camp; but he said nothing. ‘Is it farewell, then, son of Húrin?’ said Beleg.”
Artwork by Anke Eißmann
#thesilmarillion #childrenofhúrin #jrrtolkien #middleearth #tierramedia #señordelosanillos #drawing