For the RatBin gift exchange for Charcoal on discord! A fellow harpy eagle enjoyer!!

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Harpy Eagle W.I.P.

Trying to get this gorgeous bird's massive wingspan in frame is proving to be a wee bit difficult.

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Harpy eagle - Digital painting training

Photography: craigchaddock on flickr

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🇬🇧 A dangerous predator reigns in the skies of Lightshaft!
Its beak made of rock leaves no chance for its prey.
Art by :

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A new bird approaches!

A harpy eagle harpy named Galli. She’s a mouse bounty hunter :)

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H is for a slightly belated Harpy Eagle for ‘ Rainforest themed ABCs

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Shining with the energy of the sun, flies like an eagle...literally!

She´s Luminous Eagle

Leader and mentor of the GeoRangers

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Louisa the Harpy Eagle!
Main character of

A charismatic history and Agriculture teacher who folds a secret as a legendary guardian of the enviroment...

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I got my pen back.
Here is some birb arts.

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