And so to the end of a successful eight years of exhibiting/selling work at The Blue Moon Gallery,Heswall. I’ve gained a valued friend. Exclusive private viewings/sales to be arranged with the B/Moon website.

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Sharing today, three of my smaller paintings of Hilbre Island, I never tire of painting this beautiful place and will be painting another this year. These are currently in the Blue Moon Gallery.Heswall.

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Thank you Gigi, I fully understand.I exhibit in the following Wirral /Liverpool galleries; The Blue Moon, Telegraph Rd Heswall. Merseymade ,Liverpool 1. Alternatively you can find my work at; . Many thanks.

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.Absolutely Amazing Service from Service & Repair Team At of Burnt out Clutch on my - Clutch Replaced While I Waited !! - TV, & Biscuits to Pass The Time - Worth a Visit to Find Out For Yourself

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