El juego del día: (#MegaDrive)
Creador: 1993.
Dentro de lo mejor de esta consola podemos disfrutar de este fantástico juego en el que ayudamos a la foca pirata Havoc en derrotar a la tropa de la morsa Bernardo impidiendo que se apodere de la gema Emeralda

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A lot of recovery missions going on 🚢 How's yours? 👀

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💜 // Fair Winds and a High Seas... 🚢⚓ Prepare for a another sailing tour around the world...

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180 Floors 01.14 - 02.21.2021

DH S6 Seasonal Rewards
New backpack and glowstick

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Continuing the pirates/high seas theme. In an ideal world I'd just do tons of these rough 1.5 hour paintings and leave it at that.

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Season 2 is coming NOVEMBER 22ND!!!

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For our two year anniversary, I tried something different and tried to paint and I in the style of Dust comic during the The Highseas concert! It’s been a great two years and I love you so much 😘❤️

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Inspired by my recent trip to Sandsend I have reworked a painting that wasn’t resolved.

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