A fun homage to Calvin and Hobbes. Found in one of the 120+ comics you’ll find in my latest book on Kickstarter! “Quips and Quandaries” https://t.co/BCfqCDfbgV

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was a design by
which is pretty good. If I draw them myself I'd give his mom blonde hair for certain, and his dad a lil less like George Costanza lmao. I always imagined something like Calvin's dad from Calvin and Hobbes. probably give him cheek fluffs like Percy too

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Ahhh… to be six years old and playing outside with your friends again.
Self-portrait caricature in the art style of Calvin and Hobbes. Much respect to Bill Watterson.

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Gonna tell my grandkids this was Calvin and Hobbes.

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Here I used the state of the art with Dall-e 2 to create something like calvin and hobbes. I mean, the AI might get lucky and design something that looks good, but good luck making a coherent story with returning characters and a consistent style.

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here's a little gift for you of your furbaby Hobbes. May you meet again over the rainbow bridge. 🌈☁️💕

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I redid the timewarp thing from DA about 4 years ago. Not sure how to describe the current me, but the others were heavily influenced by Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbes.

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For context, it’s a newspaper comic that my local paper had instead of Calvin and Hobbes. It’s on the top of my list of “Favorite comics to leave off my ‘favorite comics’ list”

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I edited pip as calvin from Calvin and hobbes... enjoy

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Still one of my favorite commissions is this one where I was drawing Wildstar characters in an iconic pose from Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes.

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Y después a las mismas manos de Gus. De los trabajos favoritos que me han entregado. Tributo a Calvin & Hobbes. Razón por la cual el Chepe también es un tigre. Y el pequeño Enzo con playera de River Plate. Estoy seguro que estos serán colección aparte y vendrán más a cargo de el.

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early CV character concepts omg look at them ;A;
1. first Duncan concept
2 & 3. the starter boys i was rolled with Hobbes. The appaloosa was the design i was leaning toward until mass demand for Hobbes

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Cartoon break: Grogu and Hobbes. Enjoy :)

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in 31 Dec 1995, having run since 18 Nov 1985, cartoonist ended his immensely popular comic strip Often referred to as  "the last great newspaper comic", Watterston believed he had achieved all he could in the medium.

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✨ Pinup Book: Artist Spotlight ✨

Sarah's been drawing comics since she read her first Calvin and Hobbes. When not drawing fanart, she is crying in the corner over fictional characters

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Superboy & Krypto commission.

They wanted them in a wagon scene ala Calvin and Hobbes. Speaking my language :)

Hard to get those light sky and water blues in the scan. I am really happy with how this one came out. Loved getting to unabashedly channel my Watterson influences :)

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Visión personal en acuarela de los míticos personajes de Watterson.

Como anécdota, os contaré que esta pieza tuvo un periplo por Reddit (en la que ha despertado tanta pasión como odio. Puede que más odio. Ni confirmo ni desmiento 😅

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Happy Anniversary, you crazy kids. I can't imagine my life without you.

I'm slammed lately and it's been tough to keep my mental health in check. A big part of that is Calvin and Hobbes. I hope to someday pass along even a fraction of the joy you've given me.

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