【おすすめアルバム紹介⑧】ZIPmania III
ZIPは意外と定番アーティストが多くて聴きやすく、その上で独自の選曲もあり対比が面白い。来日予定のX-TREMEから「WONDERLAND」「NO CORRIDA」の二曲が収録されたIIIを今回は紹介。特に後者はダンスマニアではここでしか聴けないため貴重

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『#24 Owl』と『#25 Snake_2』を4月2日21時に0.13ethでListします('ω')


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An album of watercolour on vellum drawings of flowers by Nicolas Robert (1614-1685) that sold for $528,635 at included “Semper Augustus” tulips, a variety said to have been the most desirable during the “Tulipmania” years https://t.co/Mh4nUsRmm3

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Midshipman WIP for bioluminescent theme. Will try to finish this guy up tomorrow

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Master Richard Napier, Royal Navy Midshipman, 1827.

Our new 29 min video, HMS Victory Part 2, looks at composition of the crew, and sailing, fighting and living aboard a British warship in the Napoleonic age. Watch it now on Patreon https://t.co/4joB7WyvEo

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The first film of the four-part series Japhet in Search of his Father (1922) is now online. The films are based on Captain Marryat’s two-volume work from 1836 – 'Mr Midshipman Easy' and 'Japhet, in Search of a Father'. https://t.co/XplRs5UUfw

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I just minted the gen 2 collection The Manukurians, by the inimitable 👀


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I personally like it more when recast VAs do their own spin on a character (like Erica Mendez as Noire) rather than when they try to impersonate the voice that came before them (like Megan Shipman as IF). It lets you see a character in a different light which I find is quite fun.

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We are excited to announce that THE ENG CAST OF SK8 will be watching the Cindereki animatic Today @ 4/5PM PST!

Join Jonah Scott, Ry McKeand, Daman Mills, David Wald, Matt Shipman, and Howard Wang on stream!

Art by &

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Happy birthday to our favorite skater boy, Reki Kyan! 🎂🛹🧡

Anime: SK8 the Infinity
CV (EN): Matt Shipman
CV (JP): Tasuku Hatanaka

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Fanciest Midshipman Fitzjames, performing as Queen Fadladinida of Queerummania 💞

Velvet for

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Harold Shipman AKA Dr. Death looks a lot like Robin Williams, too bad Williams isn't still here to portray this

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またMegan Shipmanがleadの夏アニメが有れば良いのだが…

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Megan Shipmanのサシャは少し可愛すぎる気がするけど、やっぱり好きだ

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Kids loves to see themselves in Terence Shipman's books:

Check out Mr. Shipman’s Kindergarten Chronicles: Field Trip to the Farm

5*s! "...cleverly written, seemingly simple and are designed to engage while reading them."

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Which of Terence Shipman's books have you read?

How about Mr. Shipman’s Kindergarten Chronicles ABC?

5*s! " 'ABC' By Dr. Shipman is Excellent, fun and will have your child reading it over and over"

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