⚠️En ce week-end prolongé, faites attention sur la route !
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1 6

Immortan Joe Nygard agrees to be extradited to the Thunderdome to mark the next chapter in his downfall. I don’t think he’ll get back to the biodome any time soon. Does life imitate art, or is it vice versa?

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2 13

Who wants to guess which movie I saw this weekend?

1 8

Immortan Joe
Fury Road is full of charismatic characters but he looks so awesome that I would a comeback of him with a more gruesome and disgusting appearance.

4 12

Still one of my favorite thingies. My old piece.

10 39

Ese olor a gasolina y leche materna... ¡es protagonista de la PRINT EXCLUSIVA que ha preparado para la invasión isleña a Estrella 20 este sábado, 13 de enero! ¡Que no pare el BOOOOOM!!!! INFO en https://t.co/5ouWB6N7ZX

8 10

Not 9, but 10 nominations for . Here is a quick study I did of Immortan Joe.

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