Modoktober What if Modok became the ruler of Hel in Asgard? And received Hela's helm?

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Modoktober Hey Morty, I turned myself into a (uurrrp) MODOK! I'm MODOK RIIIICK!!

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Modoktober What if the symbiote venomized MODOK. Complete with tiny mlem tongue.

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Modoktober Marvin the MODOK. There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!

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Modoktober MODOKTUS of Borg. Unclassifiable as the only Species 5619. Aka 1 of One. He kept a shred of individuality and he waits, plotting a takeover.

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MODOKISS wants to rock and roll all night and attempt world domination all day. Modoktober number 12.

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Modoktober The little-known Skynet T-799 one-off "Sky-DOK" that proved to be too power-hungry for mass production.

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