Italian The most common models were those of 90 cm which can be combined with 3 mules carrying 140kg each. Sometimes even men, as on Mount Cristallo. Transportation was also complex due to the fragile parts

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Italian poster for the advertising of biscuits and candies for soldiers at the front!

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about chaplains, priests, religion and faith in The best studies published on documentary sources and personal diaries. It's Cadorna who wanted to reintroduce these figures into the Italian army shortly before the war.

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October 30, 1917: the "Novara" cavalry sacrifices themselves to slow down the enemy advance in Pozzuolo del Friuli. Lieutenant Elia Rossi Passavanti blinded and seriously injured with his horse, remains in the saddle dying.

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In 1919 the Italian Angelo Landi exhibited his war paintings in an exhibition for the benefit of civil assistance.
Here 2 of his paintings representing a patrol under enemy fire and the portrait of an aviator.

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sketch of a legionary passing through Piombino Dese, a village near Padua. The Czech legion fought valiantly on the especially in the area of ​​Lake Garda.
Prisoners were usually hanged by the Austrians as traitors.

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Italian trench on Mount
Drawing by Lombardi.

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an italian colored sketch by Lombardi painter for a painting entitled Valore e Patria (Honor and Homeland) in which nurses lay a Tricolor on the chest of a dying man.
Live scene, Piave, June 1918.

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From an Italian perspective, a similar scene:
"unfortunate patrol".
Drawing by Giuseppe Ravanelli.

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"German soldier fleeing in front of our asphyxiating gases.
October 1918,
sketch of Innocente Cantinotti.

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panoramic view from an Austro-Hungarian design from Doberdò to Tolmino with Italian lines in blue and Austrian lines in red. It shows well the morphology of the Isonzo battlefield (late 1915), one of the simplest morphologically, but very bloody!

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