another commission, thanks Aqua_Riversong!

194 1793

Feeling absolutely abysmal, recovery has hit a fortified steel wall, looking to receive good health vibes in exchange for one (1) piece of 12 x River propaganda. Husbands of River Song is my favourite new who episode, hands down 💛

2 14

WHO IS ATTACKING FAR AWAY?? ??Hmm maybe not...

3 60

Premier essai sur krita et ma tablette avec mon 🔴
Mes traits sont encore tremblants oui j'ai pas l'habitude

1 15

The nba tryna do Ja Morant
Like they did Iverson when he first came in..
Make him choose better friends
Make him turn down the hip hop culture
Call him a fake thug
Etc etc

They don’t like hip hop culture when it’s too masculine
You gotta dress like Westbrook or Kuzma

1036 4308

Having listened to and loved the most recent "Diary of River Song", I've been thinking about the possibility of a "The Wives of River Song" boxset. Here are some cover/story ideas 😝 I would spend an extortionate amount on this...

9 42

灌籃高手電影版THE FIRST SLAM DUNK終於在台灣上映。

0 1

Tis the season for Think I might make this new drawing my Holiday card.

0 6

A commission for 🥰 The Druid saytr Niomi Riversong from my campaign and her reluctant familiar Hate 😄

2 9

too much time went into this

America Riversongs in MSM

0 2

"Ohe bouge de là!"
"Il n'y a qu'un seul Lilbang ici et c'est moi"
"Pas le choix je vais devoir te cogner "
"allez ramène toi! "

choisira le lieu

6 10

I'm in!! whiteee iverson 🐑

35 114