Collecting sluttiest fits on Miitopia,
starring Orion & Josuke:

17 161

Happy Valentines 💜💚
Josuke: just wanna call you and say “Happy Valentine’s Day”☺️
Josuke: 🥲(still holding his phone)

6 31



jotaro: ummm…You know…You look like a dog in heat now…

josuke: hhh…Well…Could you tell me…how i like a dog in heat?

jotaro: Well…you look like a dog everywhere…especially… your…ummm…penis…

2 3

“what the fuck who took my chaos emeralds?”


0 0

Josuke: 2019➡️2022

(QRT with your art improvement?? 😳👉👈)

11 159

Josuke: should have worn something warm or brought an umbrella.
Rohan: no.

18 100

IG story painting
Rohan:Josuke,watch your steps.
Josuke:I know.

18 94

ジョジョJoestars ①
1-4部 Part 1-4
ジョナサン:鉛筆 Jonathan:Pencil
ジョセフ:クーピー Joseph:Coupie Pencil
承太郎:アクリル絵の具 Jotaro:Acrylic Paint
仗助:水彩絵の具 Josuke:Watercolour Paint

2 19

Josuke:então é tu q ta com preconceito da minha mina seu merda?
pra tu amigo

0 3

Motivos pra gostar do josuke:
1-o stand dele pode literalmente fazer uma espada virar uma pá só distorcendo ela
2-ele tem um cabelo legal até
3-ele é idiota de um geito bom
4-ele se preucupou até com o rohan q odiava ele
5-josuke conseguiu salvar o hayato quando ele tinha morrido

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One more, Mint Josuke:

8 115

@ yall who draw josuke with his hair down you own my entire soul

Okuyasu: hey man, i love you AND your pompadour... but you DO look pretty cute with your hair down,,,
Josuke: nooooooooooooooooo it's part of who i am~

4 26

Joseph: Loses control and becomes reckless because someone disrespects his grandmother
Josuke: Loses control and becomes reckless because someone disrespects his hair (and by extension, his saviour)

Truly, like Father, like Son.

1 43

Desenhos que fiz durante chamada com meu namorado como declaração:3

Essa loirinha é minha OC chamada Sollange e esse de cabelos bagunçados é o OC do meu namorado<3

Enquanto no canto, o chibi de topete é o Josuke:3(to tentando aprender a fazer topete).

1 9

I love Araki so much for letting Yasuho do the classic Gappy pose, I ship them so much.

It’s like...

1st Image - Yasuho: Whatcha doing there Josuke?

2nd Image - Yasuho: Hmmm... can I try that..?

3rd Image - Josuke: SURE!

72 523

Made my OC again~

Layout and pose was inspired by my fave photo of Josuke:

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