I drew one of my favorite obscure TMNT side characters, Ray Filet, for my buddy 's birthday

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Yun Ma & Feng Po process.
By The Horns 8 in shops today!

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I was happy with how this panel came out. By The Horns 7 is in stores now. Colors by Andrei Tabacaru.

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Working on the By The Horn Vol 1 trade cover. Here's a sneak peek. Colors by Andrei Tabacaru.

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Here's something different: I was commissioned to draw some faux theme park characters in the style of 1960's Disneyland for a faux-theme park-based project. It was a ton of fun

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By The Horns is in stores NOW! Here's some cover process shots.

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I've been working on my coloring skills lately. Its a struggle, but I'm VERY SLOWLY improving. Here's some RPG cards and a comic cover I was recently commissioned to work on, inks & colors by me.

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Andrei's been turning in issue 5 colors and they're beautiful. Can't wait for you all to have these next few issues in your hands. I can't show too much though, cuz its all so damn spoilery.

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Remy & Rogue

I've been reading a lot of 80s X-Men lately, and its 25% evil mutant battles, 75% running around in their underwear and being sexy

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