And being weary she sat under a chestnut tree to rest, by (Scottish, 1875-1949) who was born Mar 20. Illustration for Oscar Wilde’s A House of Pomegranates, 1915; source,

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The work of a different member of the Anderson family for our reminder - this time Violet Meikle McGlashan and her figurative watercolour sketches. Violet studied with well-known contemporaries such as &

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Fairy Obedience said to Fairy Love..
Mummy’s Bedtime Story Book 1929

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A number of interesting pieces by designer April sale including jewellery, prints & pen and ink drawings. More on this prolific artist from

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A silver & enamel brooch by with stylised birds and flowers with makers maker for W.H. Haseler, hallmarked 1907 31/10 sale. More example of her work and background from

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A silver & enamel brooch by with stylised birds and flowers with makers maker for W.H. Haseler, hallmarked 1907 31/10 sale. More example of her work and background from

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Over 140 years ago this month was born in a prolific GlasgowStyle artist & designer

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