Trying once more my luck with twitter. Let's see if you are allowed to see my painting or if Muskrat says no again.

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A challenging pose. A challenge to keep calm and draw and paint. But isn't life all about challenges? Well, here is one.

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Snow is coming. It's going to be a cold, cold, cold weekend here in NEW YORK. Snuggle up. Or down. But snuggle with the right guy.

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Nothing to say. Smooth sailing as far as you can see. Everything falling into place. Everything in the flow, colors, lines, mood, everything...

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Wasn't easy to paint him. He just wouldn't hold still. Always moving. So finally I had to let him do what he wanted to do. Hope you don't mind.

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Sunny but icy today in New York. Remember last summer? Seems far away. Here's a splash. Or what was going to be a splash. I knew he knew I knew.

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He was in a pensive mood. Not unhappy, just needed to be by himself, be himself. And dream a little. That's how I painted him.

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Two fabulous dancers! One wonderful couple! They came from a performance directly into my studio - exhausted, but happy, as you can see. And in love, as I hope you can see as well...

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When friends drop by I draw or paint them. Sometimes only their face. Here are 2 on canvas. In acrylic. Guess what we talked about.

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Las influencias del Greco y de figuras greco romanas renacentistas son la constante en la obra de

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