A large Dragonite rested on a rock with the lighthouse in the backdrop. It looked so serene, staring up and watching the snow fall.

https://t.co/A1y9hHORAk https://t.co/rZwa8Uo8Av

10 47

And the winner is... Gyarados! It was a close one but the big blue guy won out this time! Can't believe this is one of the last of these votes I'll be doing for these!

2 22

The votes have been counted across my social media and with one of the closest votes I've ever seen, beating Gyarados by only 120 votes, the winner is LAPRAS!

2 42

I added all the votes from across my social media and it was a close one, but the winner is... Hitmonlee!

0 30

Then to Now!

I've been drawing realistic Pokemon for many years, only really finding my style in 2016! To all, aspiring artists out there, just keep at it!

32 177

Despite the uncanny humanoid appearance, Jynx are theorized to have once been a deep-sea species that evolved to live on the surface.


10 74

The votes have been counted from across my social media and the winner is... MR.MIME!

3 37

People loved my Leshy so much that I created a size comparison for it too! Hope you like it!

And don't forget, I'm having an early Christmas sale at my Etsy store, all products half price!


2 13

Garglewana spend their day relaxing on rocks, but if startles jump into the water and shoot off like a rocket!

Geyserwana are powerful Pokemon that can shoot powerful, boiling hot geysers from their noses!

14 89

More Fakemon from the Equas Region!

The tropical waters of the Prehistoric Enclave are full of colorful Pokemon, unchanged by time!

50 292

Equian Aerodactyl can evolve into Dracodactyl using a Primal stone. Scientists have now found out that Mega Aerodactyl actually taps into Dracodactyls DNA when it Mega Evolves.

24 155

I have another line of Fakemon for you!
They are my pseudo legendaries and they are Steel/Flying-types.

Bred and tamed by the ancient people of Equas, they are the guardians of the entrance of the now lost, City of Azure.

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Here are some brand new Pokemon to the Equas Region.

Cheepingo, a normal type Pokemon has the unique ability to be able to evolve into 3 different forms, each promoting a different spacial ability.

21 142

Here are some of my Fakemon I created for my Region. Not all will make the final cut but still, a few people wanted to see them :)

43 247

Here are some of my Fakemon I created for my Region. Not all will make the final cut but still, a few people wanted to see them :)

28 144

Here are some of my Fakemon I created for my Region. Not all will make the final cut but still, a few people wanted to see them :)

27 136

Here are some of my Fakemon I created for my Region. Not all will make the final cut but still, a few people wanted to see them :)

50 305