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Couldn't leave out the other hybrid after drawing the therizinosaurus one. The images are so blurry it could really be a whole host of things but these are the dinosaurs I thought it was made out of.

21 135

Been on a therizinosaurus drawing spree as of late. There’s still a few dinosaurs out there that don’t have a juvenile/ baby form in Jurassic, maybe one day I’ll get through all of them.

34 191

Quick sketch for today, nothing like having an inconsistent art style... Anyway, I'm very happy we're getting Deinocheirus, ever since the Japanese documentary, Amazing Dinoworld I've been a big fan of the species.  

17 161

Confirmed: it's NOT baby dinosaurs folks!

12 203

Fanart echo de broma a la rápida.
Son idénticos

( espero haber copiado bien el nombre en japonés de la wiki)

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Macaw I originally wanted to copy the Mattel repaint but after looking up a real blue macaw's patterns I realized they were very different.

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Jurassic Park/Dinot3 people?? Hello again😗💅
I had a "small crisis" that culminated in this, its a redraw of my first drawing of this ship and the truth is relaxing to redraw these 3 :D

5 33

One of the most poorly depicted theropod dinosaur in the media

14 70