# jc2021 justicecon2021 snydercut youarenotalone forautumn afsp restorethesnyderverse hbomax frontrowseat wonderwoman1984 ww84 auldlangsyne hallelujah zacksnydersjusticeleague zsjl usunited deckthehallofjustice justicecon2020 superman edbenes jimlee dccomics dcuniverse powers justiceleague dcfandome comiccon art comics books drawing illustration design zod fortomorrow brianazzarello tuesdayvibes bvs manofsteel henrycavil dc wfh krypton allstarsuperman fridayfeeling tech tgif jorel lara spaceshuttle dceu grantmorrison frankquitely robots beingsuper karadanvers karazorel cousin joellejones marikotamaki skim graphicnovel highschool women girls midvale melissabenoist wednesdayvibes flying dailyplanet editor chief metropolis journalism newspaper supermanandlois laurencefishburne loislane jimmyolsen catgrant stevelombard rontroupe clarkkent robot ai computer fortressofsolitude scifi sciencefiction mondaythoughts mondaymotivation mondayvibes phantomzoneprojector rogolzaar unitysaga supergirl dimension lockdown alternateuniverse prison sundayvibes parents rebirth new52 kalel mother father husband wife planet saturdayvibes zacksnyder scientist birthright leinilfrancisyu gerryalanguilan markwaid fridaymorning fridayvibes space costume reporter journalist news work perrywhite press elizabethtulloch amyadams parasite aaronkuder joshuaallen monster alien thursdayvibes sketch rogue villain lexluthor president glenorbik leebermejo batman lexcorp business politics henrycavill manofsteel2 jc2020

the 2 characters in the DC universe that would like to play is BANE and LOBO!

Watch here: [https://t.co/o3QCgKCqU9]

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O diretor Zack Snyder confirmou durante painel da que o ator Wayne T. Carr seria o Lanterna Verde John Stewart em "Liga da Justiça

O estúdio não permitiu o uso do personagem pois possui outros planos para ele no live-action.

Via: [YT/].

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Hey , love your posters, permission to use the logo to promote AFSP? It's such a brilliant and perfect design!

Thank you 🙏

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Spent the evening rewatching Zack Snyder's panel at and felt inspired to do a little thing in the meanwhile :)

Here you have ! Hope you like it :)

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Hi everyone! We made a decision to extend the merch campaign with for a little longer, this time with addition of the gorgeous posters from ! You can grab yours along with othe JC merch here: https://t.co/nBMg6mzD9Y

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"What happened to the American Dream?
It came true. You're lookin' at it."

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