En Knights of X se nos confirmó que Betsy Braddock y Rachel Summers tienen sentimientos románticos la una por la otra.

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Captain Britain and Askani!! 🦋🔥❤️

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All this cover is missing is a pride flag in Betsy’s other hand. They are so fucking. All hail the lesbian mutant power couple. I want to go one of their brunches

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Justo en el número más reciente de que ha salido este mes a la venta en EEUU, una de las furias que lucha contra el equipo de Betsy en el OtroMundo dice algo bastante significativo refiriéndose a Rachel...

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asked for and that’s what they get! challenge and only one left to go! Who will it beeeeeeee?

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Tomorrow at , Tini Howard answers X-Fans' questions about Knights of X

Also, Happy Mother's Day to all the X-Moms! 💐

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KNIGHTS OF X 1 exclusive variant with art by JAY ANACLETO

Early Access starts TOMORROW 5 PM CST on the Unknown Comics App

Available online 3/26/22 12 PM CST at https://t.co/XJ5EUsB13R

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Classic swimsuit trading card of Psylocke & Archangel - Its a shame the gloss makes the scan a bit blurry but done my best!

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Captain Britain assembles her in an exclusive first look at the debut issue of the spinoff


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