Bakugou is unable to make snow angels ❄️ (1/2)
KiriBaku Month day 29: Snow

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Day 24:mythology ( ares god of war bakugou and Apollo sun god kirishima ) went for Greek mythology cause it my fav

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Day 17 of is a free theme day.

I decided to challenge myself and draw a smooch.

An ocean kiss, made even better by a sunset.

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Day 13 of is Road trip.

I personally love road trips, its made way more fun with someone you love

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the only prompt that matters 🙏🏽

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Dia 11 do weapons/armas
Bakugou é um dragão ômega que nunca compartilhou um cio com um parceiro por nunca ter achado um digno. Porém, este ano há um boato de que o rei do Oeste, o dragão alfa Kirishima, está a procura de um ômega…

7 45

day 7: science fiction, I always wanted to make them like one of the ghibli studios movies, I hope you like it, the wandering castle. ✨🥰♥️🧡

16 114

Day 7 of is SciFi

Starlight brigade was in my head and was the most scifi thing i could think of to theme this after..…

4 18

Ya llegó agosto!! Mes de mi Ship fav❤️🧡❤️🧡 este es uno de los primeros dibujos que hice, cuando recién comenzaba...

6 61

Its so lets kick things off.

Day 1; sweet treats, whats sweeter than cake, candy fruit and some delicious tea to compliment it?

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