Todos los doraemons son lindos (all of the doraemons are cute)

No les mentiré (cant deny that)

Pukoemon incluido (pukoemon included)

0 2

WAIT WHOA Koemon's art is set in the same room where you get him or Kotemon in Digimon World 3, that is ADORABLE

0 4

Os presento a el nuevo integrante de mi línea evolutiva para Koemon.
Dibujado por el talentoso artista:

Nivel: Bebé II
Atributo: Virus / Datos

Línea Evolutiva:
Nyokimon > Bushymon > Koemon > Sabaemon > Evemon > Mervamon

20 47

With Koemon.
BetelGammamon has great power and deep love in his small body, I think.

39 124

Baby Sling
Mischevous Hoop

10 42

DigiPoll results:

🥇Ajatarmon 19%
🥈Sealsdramon 11%
🥉Digitamamon 11%
4. Archnemon 9%
5. Vamdemon 9%
6. Dark Lizamon 8%
7. Morphomon 7%
8. Koemon 5%
9. Skull Greymon 5%
10. Petermon 3%
11. Frozomon 2%
12. Phelesmon 2%
13. Asuramon 2%
14. Splashmon 2%

19 90


Based On: Goemon
From: Goemon series by Konami

11 26

Fire Daemon, by nekoemonn.

2 9

Wah yang tadi streaming tu Emonika! Dibajak akun youtubeku owo... Perkenalkan, my name is Emonika, my comission created by Thank you so much! She is so beautiful~🥰✨

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3 9


3 45

The Timelapse of my drawing of Koemon.

0 1

More reposts from 2021 till I have time to draw new stuff.

5 13

It's been a loooooot ass time since I've posted digimon partners on here but I'm glad to get back to it.

7 18

What are you talking about?

koemon, it's from 2002 ... Grookey is from 2019?.

Bandai won't be be Happy to see this .

4 18