of course arakawa, but huge shoutouts to akizuki sorata and kohske https://t.co/7KHv5Tgy9Z

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Gangsta is written by a woman who goes by Kohske. Her chief assistant, Syuhei Kamo, was also a woman and made a spinoff called Gangsta: Cursed https://t.co/5rXmsLSKHQ

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GANGSTA, by @/go_kohske. the masterpiece none talks about because it's still on hiatus due to author's health problems and the anime was cancelled.
Please support this masterpiece anyway, because SHE DESERVES THAT. AND THAT'S AMAZING.

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Gangsta by Kohske (@ go_kohske) is a fab manga that tackles adult themes in a way that's not gross/uses it for shock factor. Her art is beautiful. The story has well-written deaf / queer rep. Updates are slow due to her health, but it's well worth the wait. Summary in tweet below

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"Crepus if Mihoyo wasn't run by cowards"
Original Pannel from Gangsta by Kohske

This is a gift to my fellow Crepus enjoyers. 🍷

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🔴 Kohske, autora de comunicó en sus redes que sufre de lupus eritematoso sistémico, con la perdida de visión en un ojo, parálisis en los dedos, trastornos en los vasos sanguíneos y órganos internos.

👉 Pidió a los fans compresión y que no le exijan nuevos capítulos.

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Kohske, autora do mangá "Gangsta" recentemente publicou um desabafo aqui no Twitter:

"Eu sou artista de mangá e tenho lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (uma doença inflamatória que é causada quando o sistema imunológico ataca seus próprios tecidos). Por conta de complicações, + https://t.co/tQ96vfilT2

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I know this is originally about Anime but I would like to shoutout the incredible mangaka Kohske (Gangsta.) & Tsubasa Yamaguchi (Blue Period)!

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Ahhh i saw someone else do this and i wanna do it too!!! Some styles i'll never get over and that i take a lot of insporation from!!!

Fma - Hiromu Arakawa
Gangsta - Kohske
Shirayukihime - Sorata Akizuki

(Ko/zaki honorable mention because fea is my life rn + i like his mechs)

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C'est aussi une femme qui a écrit gangsta, elle s'appelle Kohske.

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Emilio Benedetto & Galahad Woehor from Gangsta. by Kohske

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Finished my third panel coloring of a young Nicolas and Wallace from Kohske’s GANGSTA.

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Kohske Manga Creator of Gangsta Diagnosed With Autoimmune Disease - https://t.co/iptmJ4tOlh

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Le Mangaka Kohske (Gangsta) souffre d'une maladie auto-immune chronique (malaise, fièvre, inflammation) toutefois l'artiste veut continuer son manga... On lui souhaite un bon rétablissement 🙏

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Connie + Marco🌟#gangsta

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