merry christmas with kyohru 🎄🎁

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Of course I’d love since they clearly fit the pattern of one of my favorite type of ships. C’mon & tell me you see it too

Healthy relationships w/ deep/strong individuals developing alone & together are my cup o tea

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A cute, off the fly fanart I finished up yesterday. Enjoy!

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A little teaser for the fanart I work on literally all night 😭 ill post the rest tomorrow

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There's only one thing I love as much as mysme
Fruits basket
Been a fan since like 2001
Kyohru and Ayamine fill me with such love and ♡♡♡♡ I won't tweet about it much here but yeah considering a fruba manga panel tattoo someday ♡

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I just really love them so much🥺❣️
(Here’s without the closeups)

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Fruits basket will always have a special place in my heart [especially kyo and tohru] <3

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bueno pues que mañana de acaba el anime de Furuba y no estoy lista para el vacío existencial que me va a dejar, así que aquí tenéis un poco de Kyohru para prepararnos (senti-)mentalmente.

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kyohru must’ve been the most loving parents bc look at hajime and his green notebook with a picture of him and kyo just like how tohru had one with kyouko :(

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kyohru owns episode 9

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you know what gets me every single damn time in fruits basket? it’s how Kyohru and Akigure shifted their color schemes

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