Happy Thursday Everyone 🧡 Super Cute Greeting Card based on amazing London 💛 Visit https://t.co/gX3wbAuwtX for a great range of lgbtqia+ greeting cards. please rt xxx

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Growing up through AIDS, with no effective treatment, and Section 28, which defined lives as 2nd class, I value the power our communities possess we stand together.
I’m proud to support .
Profits support trans legal battles.

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This is such a beautiful set of pieces from a very intuitive artist. Check out the work and visit their page and leave some love.

Artist •

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Yoyoyoo! Here's the fourth batch of characters with Cami and Devón

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I still have a bunch of Pride drawings I wanna finish and it being July won't stop me! Here's the third batch staring Prince Corrus from my comic and Uro

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Happy Pride Month Everyone 🥳🥳🎉🎉 The world is crazy right now but I just wanted to draw something to show my support for both BLACK and LGBTQ Lives. Please stay safe everyone💜

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We cannot stand idly by why innocent people are being murdered simply for the color of their skin, for wanting justice for those already killed, and for advocating for peace and equality. -->

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Black, Bi and Proud 🖤🏳️‍🌈
Though like many, I’ve had nights of heartbreak & exhaustion,(Thanks those checking in)it’s humbling to witness the passionate & heartfelt work that is being dedicated to moving us forward🖤✊🏿


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