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1 31

old LMB art for the new followers

6 57


39 303


97 785

All chapters of LMB have been posted on Patreon.

HD quality / uncensored / Censored .

Good day 🖤


15 137

Custom Funky Monkey named LMB. Once Bonzo University’s life of the party, now preaches life at parties. After graduating, LMB took a path of righteousness. Traveling areas promoting happiness with jokes and tricks. Just be careful of LMBs sleight of hand! Welcome to the FMFH!

5 11

So HAPPY that the 'Node Wrangler' seems to work with Geometry nodes! (Or at least being able to use CTRL+SHIFT+LMB to set where I'm 'viewing!)

0 0

"Freedom is not a right. Liberty is not a given."

I think 416's Fang design is one of the coolest in the game. I loved the winter-camo-tactical look of the LMB from The Division and they did a great job recreating it in Girls Frontline.

53 218

애니메이션 트레일러 JTF
컷신 JTF

전자는 워싱턴 요원이 뉴욕으로 가기전 일어난 사건들을 보여주는 트레일러인데 거기선 JTF가 거의 1편당시 LMB모습을 하고있음
그로부터 얼마지나지 않은게 후자
근데 여기선 1편인게임속JTF와 흡사함

0 1

yo... I made a new LMB mix! c:🎶
Lost Marble Blue Mix - Sailin' On
[A Mix of Ska & Reggae]

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1 5

Some GURO practice
(Press LMB to respawn)

33 339

PhD place available in my lab through the competitively awarded LMB PhD Programme! Kidneys in a dish, tube formation in human renal organoids, apply here: https://t.co/zs0w4Aavz1

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